Dr. Arun Jamkar
Scientific Advisor
Professor Dr. Arun Jamkar is Vice President of IEEE EMBS Pune Chapter, Pune (India) and Founder Director and President of Inter Institutional Inclusive Innovations Centre, Pune, India. Professor Dr. Arun Jamkar has done his Masters in Surgery followed by a Ph.D. in Surgical Oncology. He is a trained transplant surgeon from Freeman Hospital, UK and was the first surgeon in Pune to start Renal Transplant Surgery in public sector.
- He is a very remarkable man, a Distinguished professor in Symbiosis International University, Pune, Healthcare Consultant of Persistent Systems, Pune, India and also Chief Medical Officer, Indx Technology at CA, USA.
- He is a former Vice Chancellor of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. He has been the Dean of B.J. Medical College, Pune.
- Dr. Jamkar is a multifaceted person, a surgeon, an eminent educationist, a versatile administrator, a mentor par excellence & globally acknowledged innovator. Due to his efforts and initiative in organ donation and transplantation attained wider acceptance across the various socio, economic and religious strata of the society.
- He has performed thousands of major cancer surgeries.
- Dr. Jamkar established H1N1 isolation in I.C.U. at Sassoon General hospital, Pune creating respiratory and ventilator care management for critically ill. His unflinching commitment to serve the destitute brought affordable & Renal Transplant Surgery to government hospitals in Pune.