Dr. Padma Shastry
Scientific Advisor
Dr. Padma Shastry is a Principal Scientist (ex-Scientist G) in National Centre for Cell science (NCCS), Pune. She is PhD from Bombay University, India and did her post- doctoral studies at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. She joined the Immunology department of CVTC, KEM hospital, Parel, Bombay in 1984 as a pool officer and continued as Senior Scientific Officer and worked in the area of Immunology of Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. Since 1990, she is working at National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS earlier NFATCC).
- She has developed in vitro system using cell lines as alternatives to animals for assessing antibodies to tetanus.
- There are more than 19 publications, authored and co-authored over her vast career and presented many search papers in varied scientific platforms.
- She is a recognized guide for Savitribai Phule Pune University for PhD in zoology and Biotechnology.
- She has been a reviewer for international journals-carcinogenesis, PLOS one, molcarcinogenesis, molecular cancer, chemotherapy, Exp Cell Res etc. She has received extramural funding from agencies- ICMR, DST, DBT, BRNS and had collaborative projects with industry.