Publications & Papers
Research Publications - Chronic and Critical Illnesses

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (Impact Factor- 3.1)

Effect of Calcination Cycles on the Preparation of Tin Oxide Based Traditional Drug: Studies on its Formation and Characterization.

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical analysis (Impact Factor- 3.1)

Preparation and Characterization of Copper based Indian Traditional Drug: Tamra Bhasma.

Indian Journal of Gastroenterology (Impact Factor- 2.1)

Clinical Outcomes of Ayurvedic Medicines Used in Treating Chronic Liver Disease – A Case Series

Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (Impact Factor- 1.33)

Managing Budd Chiari Syndrome with Ayurvedic Treatment: A Case Report.

Journal of Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine (Impact Factor- 0.91)

A Survey Study to Evaluate Parents? Experiences with the Practice of Administering Suvarnabindu Prashan in Pediatric Population of India

Journal of Reproduction and Infertility (Impact Factor- 0.99)

Successful treatment of sperm DNA fragmentation exclusively with Ayurveda Rasayana Therapy: A case study

Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine

Potential of Rasayana (Ayurvedic) polyherbal-mineral formulation in prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection.

Journal of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy

Characterization of Raupya Bhasma by Using Modern Analytical Techniques.

Journal of Ayurvedic and herbal Medicine

Successful clinical application of Ayurveda in Intensive care unit for avoiding need of mechanical ventilation in a patient of Acute Respiratory disease Syndrome (ARDS)
