RASAYU AYURVED CLINIC - A centre for chronic and critical diseases.
Rasayu Ayurved Clinic caters to all the diseases other than cancer and women’s ailments. Patients who come to Rasayu Ayurved Clinic have some reasons like, they are tired of dealing with the side effects of modern drugs, they have limited response to current treatments, they have no idea how to solve their problems, and they have chronic ailments for which there is no treatment available in modern medicine.
The clinic majorly attracts patients with renal failure, cardiac problems, liver diseases etc which are generally considered to be challenging and those on a lookout for alternative treatment approach for their ailments.
Rasayu Ayurved Clinic has since, thrived to become a major centre for Ayurveda healing and is prompted to move forward by the same mission to propagate the norms of Ayurveda among the Indian populace.
Phone : +91 – 20 – 25465886 / 8669995886
Email : care@rasayuayurvedclinic.com
Office : Flat no. 1-2. 1st Floor, Shreevijay Apartments, Neelkamak Society, Karvenagar, Pune – 411052. Maharashtra. INDIA.
Location : https://g.co/kgs/LqLzxTm